Cruising the Chesapeake

Dreary weather is brightened by an unexpected gift of flowers; the very best! Thanks, Capt. Rick

Bear, Delaware; Summit North Marina

You might think it’s a blurry photo, but really it was just another foggy day. It seems we have had more than our fair share lately. But not to complain too much, we dodged another tropical storm.

Chesapeake City, Maryland

We passed by Chesapeake City with fond memories of our visit in 2018 with Donna Wallace.

Boaters Tip:  If you opt to tie up at the Restaurant you will be perfectly positioned for a fabulous sunset.  Be aware when you depart, debris in the form of heavy logs tends to collect near your props, so let the current help float you away, without thrusters, if possible.  

Elk River

As we traveled the Elk River, we found plenty of commercial traffic, looks like holiday shopping has begun.

Annapolis, Maryland

With many options for overnight stays in Annapolis, the mooring ball field is an easy water taxi from the city center.  There are also many marinas nearby.  We have tried several. 

Dinner at Chez Gromurph

My favorite part of Annapolis is visiting Sandy Grosvenor, owner of NP42 Road Trip. First, a warm hello to Grogu and IronBear

Sandy’s crab cakes are beyond delicious. The only thing better is to share them with new friends!

Pictured:  Bill Simon, David B, Gail B., Hostess Sandy Grosvenor, Capt. Rick, Jim Quinn, Joanie Simon, and Camille Daniels.

VERY small boating world – Camille is the past Commodore of Long Beach Yacht Club, home of of our dear friends, Matt and Michele Jackson

Screen Shot from LBYC webpage

Dating back to 1929, LBYC in CA is not to be confused with the one on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.  Best of luck on the remodel efforts Camille! The proposed improvements to the pool and club house look fantastic! We look forward to visiting you next time we are back in CA.

Solomons, Maryland; Spring Cove Marina

Boater’s Tip – after Labor Day the pool closes and the restaurant only operates on the weekend, BUT this quiet little marina is still a great location. Ask for the loaner car!

Hatteras lighthouse

Another full moon

DeltaVille, VA

… the waiting spot for pizza deliveries.

Norfolk, VA; Waterside Marina

It was good to return to this accessible marina – within easy walking distance of everything downtown Norfolk.

Glass Light Hotel & Gallery

If you take a walk around downtown Norfolk, make the time to enjoy this hotel and gallery. Built in 1912, the magnificent 13-story building was once the home of the Royster Guano Fertilizer Company.

Stock Photo

Since guano is “the excrement of seabirds and bats” the company name might conjure up a stinky operation for some of our followers. If you are not familiar with its odor, a genteel description suggests, “bat guano has a musty smell, with a “hint” of ammonia.” I disagree.

Virginia Bat

For a short while, I lived in Cave Junction, Oregon, aka “Gateway to the Oregon Caves”. Perhaps you have seen (or stayed in!) the treehouses. This is for Carly!

Notably, with a population of less than 2,000 there are significantly more bats than human residents. After visiting the infamous bat-filled caves it is my opinion the smell of guano is pungent, acrid, and foul. Rather troubling, Guano contains nitrates that can be used to make explosives.

Something good about bats – they eat mosquitos and can consume up to 3,000 insects in one night. And, bats are the only mammal that can truly fly.

Fast forward to modern times – the former Royster Guano Fertilizer Company building changed hands a few times, over the course of 100 plus years, until it was majestically restored and transformed in 2019.

Now known as the Glass Light Hotel & Gallery (affiliated with the Marriott), it hosts the art collection of Doug and Pat Perry, which displays over 65 glass pieces on two floors.

Hello bunny! 

Crafted by Dutch artist Peter Bremers, this whimsical six-foot glass bunny is a focal piece, welcoming trendy bar patrons who can of course order a super fancy “artisanal cocktail”.

Coinjock, North Carolina

Nothing special here, although we saw Life of Pi, from Kenai, AK (sorry, no pic).

Celebrating Milestones.

Birthdays:  October 1, Sam Straley; October 4, Mayor Scotty Harvey

Coming Up:  Alligator River Fried Chicken!

Author: Exhale49

North Pacific Trawler euro style

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